HCIC Scholarship Application


Which Category Best Describes Your Organization?*


Have you attended a previous HCIC conference?*

2010, 2012, etc.

Have you been involved with HCIC as a/an (Check ALL that apply):*


250 words or less

250 words or less

250 words or less
Upload Documentation
Several of our HCIC scholarship options are sponsored by vendors. Would you be willing to attend a 15-minute webinar demo with a vendor of interest to you in exchange for a scholarship to HCIC?*


Commitment to Attend
If selected to receive a scholarship to attend HCIC, I hereby certify that I plan to attend. I understand that the scholarship entitles me to attend HCIC and one pre-conference workshop, but does not include my transportation and hotel costs or any other expenses related to my attendance. If selected as a scholarship recipient, I will provide HCIC (via email at info@greystone.net) with a copy of my transportation and hotel confirmation within two weeks of notification of my acceptance.