Speaker Resources

Respond to speaker invitation under the "Speaker Acceptance" tab

Review and/or edit bio and headshot under the "My Profile" tab

Review and/or edit session title and description under the "My Sessions" tab

Register (as soon as you can before price increase of $595). You will not be able to download the app until you have registered.

Fill out AV Request Form for special requests, if needed

Upload Presentation (can also download image from the portal)

Reserve Hotel (before price increase)

Other guidelines and information are also included in the portal.

For any questions, reach out to speaker@greystone.net.

Login Instructions
After clicking on the link above, click> Log in button> enter first name, last name, and email address> click Next. You will receive an email providing a verification code. Copy and enter the verification code to the site and click> Verify. (please check your junk mail if you do not receive the email in your inbox)

Note: To Ensure that you receive emails from our event service, please whitelist these IP Addresses and domains.

Download the Mobile App (after September 2024)

Download the Cvent Event app from the App Store (for iPhone) or Google Play (for Android) to use on your smartphone or tablet. Search for 'Healthcare Internet Conference' and click on the download icon. You will be unable to participate in the community, view your personal schedule, access your profile for messages, etc. if you do not sign in. Sign in using the email address used when you registered.

Once you login you will be able to:

  • Access the full event schedule
  • View presentation handouts
  • Learn about speakers, exhibitors and sponsors
  • Review the sessions
  • Connect with other attendees through messaging or adding a topic to the community board
  • Prepare your own customized agenda